Sunday, December 7, 2008

Season of traditions...

So the busy season begins along with all it's traditions. It seems with all the set traditions our month is full before it begins.
Thanksgiving dinner starts our holiday season off in St. Helens with the Fischer side of the family. We eat appetizers all day, do a craft, watch football, the cousins swarm through the house having a grand time and we all end up trying to squeeze in a big Thanksgiving dinner and some pie. Pretty typical. We follow it up with our annual trip to the beach.
We hit the town of Seaside by storm making sure we stopped into the fudge shop, merry go round, candy store, bumper cars, tilt a whirl...oh, yeah, and the beach. The boys love the hotel pool and watching a movie in bed. It was a great time but Brody had a bit of a fever and Kyle was still grieving the Beavers loss so we headed back to give the little guys some rest.

Without fail, the first weekend of December, we suit up,grab a Gerber saw and get ready to pick the perfect Christmas tree. We busted out of our routine from driving out to Yamhill and stuck closer to home to get our tree from Bauman Farms. The apple cider donuts, tractor ride and only a 15 minute drive made the trip; and to Kyle's delight they shook and wrapped our tree for us. Collin was thrilled to hear the choir singing carols. Santa made an appearance. You'd think two young boys would be so excited; however after finding out he didn't have any presents with him Collin declined and Brody clung to kyle with white knuckles refusing to get close. Ahhh, happy memories! ;)
We kicked off our advent calendar that was made from a dear friend and started our Jesse Tree. Christmas decor is coming out and presents are starting to get wrapped.
Let the festivities begin!

1 comment:

momaof4 said...

There is one more tradition we need to plan for!!! E-mail on it's way.